Hi! Just a quick introduction; I’m Amber, the Business Manager at Yonick Plastic Surgery. I first came to Yonick Plastic Surgery as a client about a year ago and then, in January, joined the team. I am an accountant by schooling but I am also a self-proclaimed product junkie. I would always be drawn into products by their marketing and pick up “this product” for acne and “that product” for wrinkles because it’s supposed to be the “latest and greatest”. I was constantly searching for the best products but everything was falling short because, the truth was, I didn’t know what my skin needed. Luckily, a year ago, I came into the office for a free skin care consultation. It was truly eye opening. Although I am still tweaking my skin care regimen, I am no longer wasting money purchasing products that do nothing for my skin and take up space under my sink.
Like most people, I wondered, what is the difference between Medical Grade skincare and Over-the-Counter (OTC), really? I have been doing some research and OTC is any product that you buy at the grocery store, department store, or even the spa. They are products that are designed to enhance your skin...but not correct it. OTC products generally come with a cheaper price tag but that doesn’t mean you are getting a deal. Instead you are getting a very small amount of the active ingredients and a bunch of water and fillers; these products just sit on the surface of your skin. Another thing to consider with OTC skincare is the elusive wording used for their products. For example, instead of saying “reduces wrinkles”, they say, “reduces the appearance of wrinkles.” This is because they are not changing the structure or function of the skin.
Medical/Pharmaceutical grade gives you the highest concentration of active ingredients in order to change your skin at a cellular level. These products are sold in doctor’s offices and medical spas and are FDA regulated; backed by scientific studies. The higher concentrations of active ingredients are designed to penetrate the outer layer of skin to reduce wrinkles and brown spots, increase hydration and much more. Companies that create these products invest towards clinical research to ensure their technology is proven to be effective and they are constantly developing the most efficient way to deliver their products to you.
Interested to see what prescription-grade skincare can do for you? I highly suggest a consultation. During this consultation a medical professional will examine and diagnose your skin care needs and create a customized plan to help you achieve your goals. This step has been key for me. Our Nurse Practitioner, Karen, even continues to meet with me to discuss how my skin is responding to the skincare and adjust my regimen accordingly. I honestly have never been happier with my skin (this is a big thing for me as I am approaching the big 4-0)! It looks and feels healthy and is functioning better than ever!
Call our office today to set up a free skincare consultation and, during the month of September, when you mention you read our blog, you will be entered for a free ZO Getting Skin Ready kit!