Thursday, January 2, 2020

ALLURA Laser Liposuction Is Here!!

Many of you have likely heard the buzz around the office and around town that Allura Laser Lipolysis is coming to Yonick Plastic Surgery & Aesthetic Center. This state-of-the-art technology offers a safe and effective in-office treatment for the removal of excess fat. Patients will notice immediate results with minimal downtime and minimal disruption to their normal daily activities during the recovery process. 
What is the difference between Allura and traditional liposuction? Well, traditional liposuction is typically performed in an operating room setting. It most often requires sedation or general anesthesia as provided by an Anesthesiologist. Liposuction is a great option for removing large volumes of unwanted fat with longer downtime and recovery. 
Allura is a great option for those small to medium areas of stubborn fat. Examples are the neck, bra roll, love handles, lower abdomen and inner/outer thighs. The procedure is  performed entirely in the office. A local anesthetic, as you would get in the dentist’s office, is used to numb the treatment area. Additionally, Nitrous Oxide is provided to reduce anxiety. You’ll be calm and relaxed but completely awake. The incisions are much smaller than traditional liposuction. Most patients will be able to drive themselves home and return to work the next day. Unlike traditional liposuction, Allura uses laser energy, which can also tighten the skin. Excess fat is removed and the laser heats the skin from within providing noticeably tighter skin; resulting in a more desirable contour. Intriguing, right? Let me walk you through what to expect.
You will first contact Yonick Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics center and schedule a consultation with our double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Yonick. During your initial consultation, he will assess your areas of concern. We will also capture photographs with our Vectra Camera. The Vectra Camera is a unique 3D camera system that allows Dr. Yonick to simulate your expected surgical result, giving both Dr. Yonick and yourself a clear understanding of the expectations and limitations to the proposed surgical procedure.
On the day of your procedure you will arrive at our office and be escorted to our private procedure area. Some patients will opt for additional medication to reduce anxiety and may take an oral medication upon arriving to the office. Dr. Yonick will mark the treatment area and our surgical nurse will get the area cleaned and prepped. You will be instructed to begin using the Nitrous Oxide at this time to further provide a relaxing experience. Your skin and fat are first numbed with a lidocaine solution. A very small incision is made to introduce the laser fiber and cannula into the treatment area. The laser fiber and cannula are then inserted and your fat will be treated; resulting in liquified fat. A small liposuction cannula is introduced into the treatment area and the liquified fat is removed. Following the liposuction, the laser is reintroduced into the treatment area. The laser is used to heat the underside of your skin creating a tighter and firmer appearance, shrink wrapping the skin over the treatment area. The procedure takes less than an hour for most areas. A simple dressing will be applied to small incisions after they are closed. Compression dressings or garments are applied, afterwhich, you’ll move to our recovery room. Nitrous Oxide is cleared from your system rapidly within a couple of minutes. Following your recovery, if you did not require an oral anti-anxiety medication, you will be able to drive home. However, if you opted for an oral anti-anxiety medication you may be a little groggy following the procedure and it is recommended that you have someone drive you home. 
Compression dressings or garments should be worn for about a week. Patients will be instructed to maintain a normal heart rate and blood pressure for 1 week following the procedure. Afterwhich, normal activities may be resumed. You will notice an immediate reduction in fat and improved contour. Skin tightening will reach maximum potential in 2 - 3  months. 

We are excited to see you in our office to begin your Allura experience! Give us a call today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Yonick.

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